“You should move to Forest Hills”

I can’t stop talking about Forest Hills. Telling editors and moms at my son’s school and old friends about how it is fantastic: lovely buildings, playgrounds, good fresh food. The public school we’re zoned for ranks high.

I told one fellow editor, who said she and her husband were thinking of moving out of Manhattan now that a second baby is coming, “You should move to Forest Hills.”

I got a frozen, fearful look.

“Um, we’re thinking of Park Slope,” she said.

I looked at Park Slope. I have friends who live in Park Slope. I know all about Park Slope. 

No to Park Slope.

Why pay slightly lower rent and live 45 minutes from midtown when you can pay significantly lower rent and live 30 minutes from midtown? And there are more trees, more grocery stores (enough about the food co-op already) and more high-ranking public schools?

But she’s not getting it.

Maybe she never will.

Published in: on August 23, 2007 at 1:40 am  Comments (4)  

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4 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. You might want to flaunt your new-found love for The Borough of Nations on these blogs. That’s how I found you! ;o)


    (scroll to 8/22/07)


    Also, I highly reco you explore 63rd Drive on the south side of QB (across from Marshall’s/Old Navy) for cool stores and groceries.

  2. Maybe she has heard about the planes.

  3. Hi,

    I live in Forest Hills and am part of a new church community here. My church is hosting a concert for a band called Aradhna, a fusion of Indian and folk music. Do you know of places that would be interested in posting info about the concert?

  4. We;re looking for Forest Hills places My parents live there now and it is chic!

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